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This page helps configure pass tool

Setup gpg key

  • Execute following command and use all default options but 4096 bits long.


When prompted for it, enter the password of you gpg key. It will be your master password.

gpg2 --full-gen-key

Configure pass

  • Get gpg key id from following command


GPG id is not in uid part but in sec for gpg2.

gpg2 -k
  • Initialise pass store with your gpg-id

    pass init "<gpg-id>"

  • Initialise git repository

    pass git init
    pass git remote add origin<github_account_id>/pass-store.git
    pass git push --set-upstream origin master

Export/Import gpg key

  • Export key
    gpg2 --export-secret-keys > secret.gpg
  • Import key
    gpg2 --import secret.gpg

Synchronize Android phone

Setup web browser

  • Follow installation instructions here
  • Install and configure extension here