
Find here a really useful Vim cheatsheet

Click to expand cheatsheet
| emacs-stamp: Time-stamp: <2006-11-07 23:40:22 karl>
| vim-stamp: Latest change: Wed Apr 20 14:27:38 CEST 2011
| .... whichever comes last *ggg*
| Title:   vim7-emacs21-cheatsheet of freezing hell
|          ... tries to combine the two editors of choice
| Author:  Karl Voit
| Purpose: learning emacs21 _and_ vim (for myself)
| License: Creative Commons
| Status:  constantly modified, updated, and expanded

Alternative cheatsheets: 

Editor shortcuts: Emacs and vim       vim                   emacs

exit                                  :q                    C-x C-c
save                                  :w    :w!             C-x C-s
save as                               :w 

save and exit                         :wq         (or: ZZ)  C-x C-s C-x C-c
exit without saving                   :q!         (or: ZQ)

stop executing things                 ESC  or  C-c          C-g

open file                             :e(dit) file          C-x C-f     (find-file)
open file read only                                         C-x C-r     
re-read file (discard changes)        :e(dit)!
locate file                                                 M-x locate(-with-filter)

edit file under cursor                gf       (goto file)

undo last changes                     u          (or: C-_)  C-_   or   C-\
undo one change                       :u(ndo)               C-x u
undo latest changes on current line   U
redo                                  C-r
undo changes since last save                                M-x revert-buffer

repeat last change                    .

append text after cursor              a
append text after EOL                 A

insert text after cursor              i
insert text before first non-whitesp. I
insert file content                   :r file               C-x i

insert line below cursor and insert   o
insert line above cursor and insert   O

join current line and next line       J

mark char begin                       v  (column: C-v|C-q)  C-Space
mark paragraph                                              M-h
mark line begin                       V

restore last selection                gv

copy marked part                      y          "yank"     M-w
copy current line                     yy           (or: Y)  

paste marked part                     p                     C-y           "yank"
paste 2nd last content                                      C-y M-y
paste 3re last content                                      C-y M-y M-y

cut marked part                       c                     C-w
cut current line                                            C-S-Backspace
delete marked part                    d

delete char                           x                     C-d  or  DEL
delete line                           dd     (or: :d)  C-S-Backspace
delete to end of word                 cw     (change word)  M-d
delete current word                   caw
delete to EOL                         D                     C-k
delete sentence                                             M-k
delete paragraph                                            M-x kill-paragraph

delete previous character                                   Backspace
delete previous word                  C-w                   M-Del
delete previous sentence                                    C-x Del
delete previous paragraph                                   M-x backward-kill-paragraph

toggle overwrite/insert mode          INS          (or: R)  M-x overwrite-mode
replace current char with       r

repeat  X times                  X                C-u X 

complete word                                               M-/
complete word backward                C-P                   M-/
complete word forward                 C-N                   M-/

cancel                                C-c                   C-g

redraw                                C-l

file info                             C-g
file info (verbose)                   g C-g

set auto indent                       :set ai               M-x auto-fill-mode
                      :set textwidth=0

execute shell code               :r(ead) ! 

show whitespaces                      :set list

insert                          :r(ead)         M-x insert-file

show document statistics such as
# columns/lines/word/characters/bytes g C-g

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help

show help of cmd XY                   :help XY
show man-page of current word         K
grep help                             :helpg foobar

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buffers

close buffer                          C-w c    :clo(se)     C-x k
close buffer and return to previous                         C-x 0
close all buffers but current         C-w o    :on(ly)      M-x kill-some-buffers
enlarge current buffer                                      C-x 1

open file for writing                                       C-x C-f
open file for reading                                       C-x C-r

change to previous buffer             C-^      C-6          C-x b
change to buffer  number <12>     <12> C-^   <12> C-6   C-x b 
                      :b <12>
split vertically                      C-w s    :sp(lit)
split horizontally                    C-w v    :vs(split)

duplicate buffer                      :new

change to (upper) high buffer         C-w h
change to lower buffer                C-w l

list buffers                          :ls

edit in new tab                       :tabe(dit) fileA
change to next tab                    gt
change to previous tab                gT

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Navigation

goto line <12>                        <12>G                 M-x goto-line <12>

            up                k                    C-p
Cursor movements   left    right      h     l               C-f   C-f
               down             j                      C-n

buffer begin                          1G       gg           M-<
buffer end                            G                     M->

line begin ... end                    0 ... $               C-a ... C-e
line begin (first non-whitespace)       ^

word next                             w                     M-f
word last                             b                     M-b

sentence previous                     (                     M-a
sentence next                         )                     M-e

paragraph begin                       {                     M-{
paragraph end                         }                     M-}

goto last place                       C-o
goto next place (if any)              C-i

goto begin of last marked part        '<
goto end of last marked part          '>

page up                               C-b                   M-v
page down                             C-f                   C-v

1/2 page up                           C-u
1/2 page down                         C-d

scroll one line down (keep cursor)    C-e
scroll one line up (keep cursor)      C-y

remember position (as p)              m p                   C-x r m
jump to position (p)                  ` p                   C-x r b
jump to last marked position          ``
jump to last place edited             `.
list all marked positions             :marks

place current line in the center      z.                    C-l        "locate"

------------------------------------------------------------ Search and replace

current line: goto character X        fC
current line: goto character X backw. FC
current line: go before character X   tC
current line: go before char. X backw.TC

activate incremental search           :set incsearch
search incremental                    (if activated) /      C-s
search incremental backwards          (if activated) ?      C-r
repeat search                         n                     C-s or C-r
repeat search in other direction      N
filter current buffer with RegEx                            M-x occur

replace                               s/foo/bar(/gci)       M-%

search word under cursor              *
search word under cursor backward     #
search local variable under cursor    gd
search buffer variable under cursor   gD

search correspondent brace/bracker/.. %

unhighlight the search patterns       :noh

search for regular expressions        /REG                  C-M-s
repeat search for reg. expr.          n                     C-M-s
search in other directory for reg.ex. N                     C-M-r

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spelling

activate spell checking               :set spell               
change spelling dictionary            :set spelllang=de
search for next misspelled word       ]s
show correction proposals             z=
add as correct word                   zg
add as incorrect word                 zf

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Formatting

lowercase current word                :map l viwuW     M-l
capitalize current word               :map c viwu~W    M-c
uppercase current word                :map u viwUW     M-u
toggle case of current word           :map t viw~W
toggle case of char under cursor      ~

quote text                                                  C-c C-q
format line
format paragraph                      gqap                  M-q
format whole document                 gggqG

shift marked lines to left            <<
shift marked lines to right           >>
set shiftwidth                        :set shiftwidth=4

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macros

begin recording (name: foo)           qfoo                  C-x (
end recording                         q                     C-x )

execute macro foo                     @foo                  C-x e
repeat macro execution                @@

edit macro                            "ap
end edit macro

save macro

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Columns

mark column begin                     C-v   (Windows: C-q)  C-space

set width mark to longest line        $

copy column(s)                        "*y
paste column(s)                       p                     C-x r y       "yank"
cut column(s)                         d                     C-x r k       "kill"

insert column text (foo)              (visual:) Ifoo ESC    C-x r t foo

-------------------------------------------------------------- Folding / Outline

hide all                              zC                    C-c C-t
show all                              zO                    C-c C-a
toggle hide/show all                  zi

hide this                             zc                    C-c C-d
show this                             zo                    C-c C-s

goto previous                         zk                    C-c C-p
goto next                             zj                    C-c C-n

------------------------------------------------------------- Special Characters

enter carriage return                 C-q ENTER             C-q ENTER
enter newline                         C-q C-j               C-q C-j
enter spoiler character ^L            C-q C-l               C-q C-l

------------------------------------------------------ Compare/merge differences

start file A and B in compare mode    vimdiff A B           emerge A B

emacs: goto fast-mode (C-c C-c doesn't have to be used)     C-c C-c f
emacs: goto edit-mode                                       e

next difference                       ]c                    (C-c C-c) n
previous difference                   [c                    (C-c C-c) p
goto difference X                                           C-u X j

change to left file (higher)          C-w h
change to right file (lower)          C-w l

take this version                     :[range]diffpu(t)  dp
take other version                    :[range]diffg(et)  do

take A-version                                              (C-c C-c) a
take B-version                                              (C-c C-c) b

quit without saving the merge                               C-]
recenter buffers                                            l


---------------------------------------------------------------- Version Systems

vim: install vcsnursery from

commit changes                        :VCSCommit            C-x v v
show differences between versions     :VCSVimDiff           C-x v =
show log of current file              :VCSLog               C-x v l
revert changes to most recent version :VCSRevert            C-x v u
update current file from repos        :VCSUpdate

add file to repos                     :VCSAdd               C-x v i
show annotations                      :VCSAnnotate
delete file (incl. from repos)        :VCSDelete
show difference to previous version   :VCSDiff
view a certain version                :VCSReview 42         C-x v r
show detailed infos                   :VCSStatus

Emacs specific shortcuts:

execute single ELISP command:           M-: cmd
increase font size                      C-x C-+
decrease font size                      C-x C--

M-: (info "(elisp) Key Binding Conventions")
    C-c LETTER ... (only) prefix reserved to user commands
    F5..F9     ... also reserved to user commands

remove/delete trailing whitespace       M-x delete-trailing-whitespace

interactively build and test regular expressions: M-x re-builder

insert Unicode character (UTF-8): C-x 8   (ucs-insert)

move between top, bottom, middle of window: M-r   (move-to-window-line-top-bottom)

count lines/characters in region:  M-=

vim specific shortcuts:

Own vim macros

" move line before boxquote into title field of boxquote
map ,vkbqt kDj6lp0

" remove/delete trailing whitespace:
  nmap ;tr :%s/\s\+$//
  vmap ;tr  :s/\s\+$//

"kill quoted sig
map ,kqs G?^> -- $d}

" change subject (Subjectaenderung) (Source: Michael Prokop)
map ,vkcs :set nohlsearch
    \:1,/^Subject: /g//s/^\(Subject: \)\(Re: \)\=\(.*\)$/
    \\1 (was: \3)/9i

" simple quote (insert quote after this line)
map ,vksq 0jikki

" quote between line (insert quote in between the line)
map ,vkqbl i0kxkkxjxi

" update timestamp (make sure that "set paste" is NOT set
iab Tue Jul 31 13:03:52 CEST 2007 =strftime("%a %b %d %T %Z %Y")
"  map ,L  1G/Latest change:\s*/e+1CYDATE
map ,L  1G/Latest change:\s*/e CYDATE

" voit 20070306:
" ESC-c ... capitalize current word (and goto next word)
map c viwu~W
" ESC-l ... lowercase current word (and goto next word)
map l viwuW
" ESC-u ... uppercase current word (and goto next word)
map u viwUW

FIXXME: Bereichsangaben

" Using (g)vim to colorize sourcecode (from:
" used here: Visual Basic syntax
:cal SetSyn("vb")
:syntax on
:set background=light
:runtime! syntax/2html.vim
ggVG (to select all in this top frame)
"+y (to copy to clipboard)

        N O T E S   F O L L O W I N G

Svens Vortrag:
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suchen

------------------------------------------------------ Eingabe von Sonderzeichen

Eingabe über ASCII-Nummer:
ß 223  ä 228  ö 246  ü 252

Digraph Input!  a + : -> ä

automatische Einrücken (indenting)
Markieren von Text
 von Position bis Position
 zeilenweise (block)
 als Rechteck -> Tabelle

Zeile?  DOS/Windows, Unix, oder Mac?
Automatische Erkennung
Beliebige Wahl

Anzeige - Grundlegend

Aktuelle Position des Cursors (Lineal,ruler)

ASCII-Wert von Zeichen

Sichtbarmachung von speziellen Zeichen
 (TABs, trailing spaces)
 :set list -> schon oben drinnen

geteilte Fenster (horizontal,vertikal)
-> TextKopieren, Vergleiche

Anzeige - Fortgeschritten

Syntax Coloring / Highlighting
Achtung: ersetzt keinen Parser!

Struktur der Datei anzeigen - Baumstruktur
Text verstecken
Syntax dependant
Kommandos zum Einklappen und Verstecken

Abkürzungen - Abbreviations

einfache Wortexpansion:
LS -> Leutheuser-Schnarrenberger

mehrere Worte:
LT -> Linux-Tag Chemnitz

mehr als nur Buchstaben:
* = neue Cursorposition

mehrzeilige Floskeln:

Sehr geehrter Herr Spammer..
..Aufnahme ins Killfile..
Gründe:  [Liste]
Mit  freundlichen Grüßen


Backup files
Syntax Input

Grenzen - Limits

Endlicher Speicher -> Grenzen




| 2do

tabs (vim7)

retab + ersetzen:
:set tabstop=4
:set expandtab

^M herauslöschen


query option value        :set OPTION?

folding + examples (emacs-2do-list and vim-2do-list)

mika@grml ~ % grep boxes .vimrc
" 040420 introduced history 8-) and slightly modified 'boxes'-stuff
" 030219 VBlockquote.vim - like the tool "boxes" works ;-)
" 030219 Call boxes - with some funny box-styles ;o)
 map ;0 :'<,'>!boxes
 map ;1 :'<,'>!boxes -d boxquote
 map ;2 :'<,'>!boxes -d peek -a c -s 40x5
 map ;3 :'<,'>!boxes -d c-cmt
 map ;4 :'<,'>!boxes -d dog -a c
 map ;5 :'<,'>!boxes -d simple -a
 map ;6 :'<,'>!boxes -d headline
--> Test! (FIXXME)
--> boxes = extra-tool!

"boxing" text              C-c q
title of box               C-c w

Snippets einfügen wie zB :
:he :iabbrev
:he mapmode-i
(Vim7: C-x C-o)

Ranges: . .+3 % ,. .,$


| notes from a former talk:
:set tw=50 ... set texxt width
map  gqip ... macro setzen
:set ft=html
:set paste ... Einfuegen ohne Umformatierung
:set nopaste ...
:set sw ... Option vervollstaendigen lassen
:set sw= ... Option plus Wert vervollstaendigen lassen
:set listchars=tab:»·,trail:·,,eol:$ ... wie sollen list-Elemente usw visualisiert werden?
:w datei:.neu ... Kopie mit Anhaengsel ".neu" erstellen, Buffer bleibt bei "datei"
:!ls -l % ... shell-Kommando ls aufrufen (%=aktueller Buffername)
:! ... letzter Befehl, der mit "!" begonnen hat
C-w n ... C-w=Fensterbefehl, n=new
C-w C-r ... unterster Buffer oben einfuegen (rotate)
:help C-v C-w ... show help on windows-commands (C-v nur um C-w einzugeben)

:diffget ... Aenderungen in den Buffer uebernehmen

%%% vim: ft=mgp ai noet ts=2

Emacs und ispell:

;; User-Dictionary ohne Nachfrage speichern
(setq ispell-silently-savep t)
(autoload 'flyspell-mode "flyspell" "On-the-fly spelling checking" t)
(autoload 'flyspell-mode "flyspell" "On-the-fly ispell." t)
(setq ispell-program-name "aspell")

;; Initialize spell checking
(setq-default ispell-program-name "aspell")
(set-default 'ispell-change-directory "ndeutsch8-15")
(set-default 'ispell-local-dictionary "ndeutsch8-15")
;; ========================
;; ========================
(require 'ispell)
(add-to-list 'ispell-dictionary-alist
    "[']" t
       ("-C" "-d" "german")
    "~latin1" iso-8859-15))

;; ========================
;; ========================

;; ========================
;; ========================
(add-hook 'flyspell-mode-hook
   (function (lambda ()
         (setq ispell-local-dictionary "ndeutsch8-15")

M-X change-ispell-dictionary

emacs und LaTeX

Added in file c:\.emacs

(require 'tex-site)
(setq tex-dvi-view-command "C:\texmf\miktex\bin\yap.exe")
  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(TeX-output-view-style (quote (("^dvi$" "^pstricks$\\|^pst-\\|^psfrag$" "%(o?)dvips %d -o && gv %f") ("^dvi$" "^a4\\(?:dutch\\|paper\\|wide\\)?\\|sem-a4$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper a4 %d") ("^dvi$" ("^a5\\(?:comb\\|paper\\)?$" "^landscape$") "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper a5r -s 0 %d") ("^dvi$" "^a5\\(?:comb\\|paper\\)?$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper a5 %d") ("^dvi$" "^b5paper$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper b5 %d") ("^dvi$" ("^landscape$" "^pstricks$\\|^psfrag$") "%(o?)dvips -t landscape %d -o && gv %f") ("^dvi$" "^letterpaper$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper us %d") ("^dvi$" "^legalpaper$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper legal %d") ("^dvi$" "^executivepaper$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper 7.25x10.5in %d") ("^dvi$" "^landscape$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper a4r -s 0 %d") ("^dvi$" "." "%(o?)xdvi %dS %d") ("^pdf$" "." "\"c:\\Programme\\Adobe\\Acrobat 6.0\\Reader\\AcroRd32.exe\" %o") ("^html?$" "." "netscape %o")))))
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.

Change target to PDFLaTeX: C-c C-t C-p
Compiled using C-c C-c

C-c C-s  .... section ...
C-c C-e  .... environments
C-c C-f C-(b|i|...) ... bold italic
C-c C-c  ... compile
(require 'reftex)
M-x reftex-mode 

C-c = (reftex-toc)
C-c ( (reftex-label)
C-c ) (reftex-reference)
C-c [ BibTeX
C-c & (reftex-view-crossref)

=== [ ENDE ] === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 %%% Local Variables:
 %%% mode: outline
 %%% outline-regexp: "\\(\\[\\([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\\)?\\]\\[\\([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\\)?\\]\\(\\[.+\\]\\)? .*\\)\\|\\(^=== \\[ .* \\] ===.*\\)"
 %%% eval: (auto-fill-mode -1)
 %%% eval: (flyspell-mode -1)
 %%% eval: (end-of-buffer)
 %%% eval: (hide-body)
 %%% emerge-set-combine-versions-template: "%a\n%b\n"
 %%% End:
 %%% OLD-outline-regexp: "\\(\\[\\([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\\)?\\]\\[\\([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\\)?\\]\\(\\[\\(maggie\\|lisa\\)\\]\\)? .*\\)"
 %%% OLD-outline-regexp nur "[][] Text": "\\(\\[\\([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\\)?\\]\\[\\([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\\)?\\] .*\\)"
 %%% OLD-outline-regexp inkl. Sterne als Items: "\\(\\[\\([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\\)?\\]\\[\\([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\\)?\\] .*\\)\\|\\(*+ \\)"