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GitHub Markdown Cheatsheet


Style Sign Example
Header 1 #
Header 2 ##
Header 6 ######
Bold ** Bold
Italic * Italic
Strikethrough ~~ ~~Strikethrough~~
Subscript <sub></sub> Subscript
Superscript <sup></sup> Subscript
Quote >
Inline code `` Inline code
Multiline code ```type ``` bash Multine code
Color #0969DA
Links [Link]( Link
Relative links [Link to other file](docs/ Link to other file
Images ![Alt text]( "image title")
Bullet list - / * / + * test
Ordered list 1. 2. 3.
Nested list *
Task list [ ] / [x]
Emoji :emojicode: 😄
Comment <!-- Comment -->
Escape \


Image with alt & title

![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "image title")

left alignment

<img align="left" width="100" height="100" src="">

right alignment

<img align="right" width="100" height="100" src="">

center alignment example

<p align="center">
  <img width="460" height="300" src="">

Ligth/Dark mode

See the following article

  <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="">
  <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="">
  <img alt="Shows an illustrated sun in light mode and a moon with stars in dark mode." src="">

Collapsible sections

<summary>To make sure markdown is rendered correctly in the collapsed section...</summary>

 1. Put an **empty line** after the `<summary>` block.
 2. *Insert your markdown syntax*
 3. Put an **empty line** before the `</details>` tag


Warning and notes

> **Note**
> This is a note

> **Warning**
> This is a warning


<div align="center">



File tree output

  ├─ src/assets - # Minified images, fonts, icon files
  ├─ src/components - # Individual smaller components
  └─ src/utils - # Utility functions used in various places./src/* 