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Scripting examples

Semicolon Usage

: is equivalent to true command. When used with another bash substitution command for example, the command return true instead of the string. Example:

Assign default1 to TEST1 variable and return default1 (so, if the return string is a command, it will be interpreted by shell)

: ${TEST1:=default1}
Assign default1 to TEST1 variable and return true

Rename multiple files recursively

find . -iname <file_name_regex> -exec rename <old_name> <new_name> '{}' \;

A cool tool to use in one folder is rename tool

Rename multiple files in same folder

rename 's/<from>/<to>/' *.html

Replace in file and diff

sed -e 's/<from>/<to>/g' <file_name> | diff <file_name> -

Strict execution

set -euo pipefail
  • set -e : If command fails, make the script exit (not resuming on next line)
  • set -u : Treat unset variables as an error and exit
  • set -o pipefail : cause a pipeline (command | command) to fail if one of the subcommand fails
  • set -x : print each command before executing it

Parameter substitution

Default Value ${:-}


Default Value if not set ${:=}

echo ${parameter:=defaultValue}


This method do not work to assign values, use ${:-} instead.

Display message if $value is not passed ${:?}

var="${1:?Please provide var}"

Display message and run command ${:?}

_message="Please provide var"
var="${1:? $_message $(command)}"

Variable length ${#}


Remove pattern - Front ${#} ${##}


pagepath=${url#https://}    # Return ""
pagename=${url#*/}      # Return "/"
pagename=${url##*/}     # Return "mypage.html"

Remove pattern - Back ${%} ${%%}


pagepath=${url%.html}       # Return ""
pagename=${url%/*}      # Return ""
pagename=${url%%/*}     # Return "https:/"

Find and replace ${//}

var="${x/unix/linux}"       # Replace first match
var="${x//unix/linux}"      # Replace all matches

Substring starting character ${::}


echo ${x:3:5}"          # Print craft

Work with arguments/positional parameters

Interesting values

Value Meaning
$0 Name of script
$N/${N} Nth argument passed to script (brackets are mandatory after $9)
$# Number of arguments passed to script
$@ All arguments passed to script

Check if argument is an option

if [ "${1#-}" != "$1" ]; then

Check if argument is some value

if [ "$1" = 'some-value' ]; then

Add positional parameters before arguments

The following script adds newcommand before other positional parameters.

set -- newcommand "$@"
echo "$@"

Check if string is part of string

string='My long string'
if [[ $string == *"My long"* ]]; then
  echo "It's there!"

For each argument

for var in "$@"
    echo "$var"

Obfuscate password

echo ${PASSWORD//[[:ascii:]]/*}
print_decorate_message () {
        message_decorate_length=$((message_length + 2))
        decorate_line=$(printf "%-${message_decorate_length}s" "-")

        echo "+${decorate_line// /-}+"
        echo "| ${message} |"
        echo "+${decorate_line// /-}+"

Get script file path and name

SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename "$0")"

If string is empty

if [ -z "$my_string" ]
        echo "String is empty"

Insert line at specific line

new_line="my new line"
sed -i "${line_number}i${new_line}" my_file

Insert line after a specific line

new_line="my new line"
sed -i "${line_number}a${new_line}" my_file

Replace some text on line matching with word

sed -i '/<word>/s/<from>/<to>/' my_file

Grep exclusion

grep -r --color --exclude-dir={custom,lib,scripts} --exclude={*.xml,error_log} "beta" .

Extract string match between words from file

Grep way

grep -oP '(?<=<from>).*(?=<to>)' <my_file>

Sed way

sed -rn 's/<from>(.*)<to>/\1/p' <my_file>

Parse json from command line

Useful documentation Use jqcommand to parse output Example:

curl -X GET "<url>" | jq

output | jq ".[].project_id"

Get the sum of array with jq

output | jq -s add/length

Get max value of array with jq

output | jq max